DaySchool TermSchool Holiday
Mondayfrom 3:15pmfrom 6:15pm
Tuesdayfrom 6:15pmfrom 6:15pm
Wednesdayfrom 3:15pmfrom 6:15pm
Thursdayfrom 3:15pmfrom 6:15pm
Friday & Saturdayfrom 7:15pmfrom 7:15pm
Sundayfrom 5:45pmfrom 5:45pm

Up to 50 Participants 

First Hour $1200 (excludes laser tag)
First Hour $1500 (includes laser tag)
Every subsequent hour $1200
*Sunday Surcharge $500

For larger groups of up to 99 participants, we offer the option to add extra attendees for $20 per person during the first hour and $15 per person for each additional hour.

Please note that socks are required for all participants and can be purchased on site for $4.00 per pair.

100 – 149 Participants 

First hour $2500
Every subsequent hour $1750

*Sunday surcharge $500

Enjoy access to both jumping and laser tag.

100 pairs of socks are included in the price.

In case you need more socks, they are available on-site for $4.00 per pair.

150 – 200 Participants

First hour $2850
Every subsequent hour $2000

*Sunday surcharge $500

Enjoy access to both jumping and laser tag.

150 pairs of socks are included in the price.

In case you need more socks, they are available on-site for $4.00 per pair.

All packages include experienced supervision staff and access to our cozy cafe, so you can enjoy your time worry-free

We offer catering services for your event, which must be pre-ordered two weeks in advance. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring your own food , as our full venue hire allows for this flexibility.
